Ich hoffe mir kann jemand helfen ? Das Thema ist frei wählbar und kann alles sein und ihr wisst ja je größer der Bereich ist wo man es wählen kann, desto schwerer fällt einem die wahl habt ihr evtl. Frage stellen Du hast noch kein gutefrage Profil? this is a beach city in Montonegro. I have a brohter and a sister there is my brohter the older and He is seventeen years old his Name is **** and my sister is the young so is my brohter eight years older as a my sister her Name is ***. We was at South Tyrol, Austria and Italy at Holiday. He also often works at home when, for example, he is not doing so well. Thema für Englisch referat?- meiner klassenkameraden vorgestellt wurden scheidet dieses thema auch schon mal aus.Es müsste ja auch noch auf 9. klass -- das hin kriegt mit den wörtern fände ich das ein gutes referat# - england zutun hat, denn es ist ja nur wichtig das es auf englisch ist, denke ich, aber wenn du dir nicht sicher bist frag -- auswahlmöglichkeiten -- z.b. My half brothers live in Berlin, My fahters Name is Max and he is 50 years old and works as warehouse logistics by BMW. Juni 2008 . I currently visit the ninth class in the ---. ... Suche Thema für 5-Minuten Englisch Vortrag obama kommt zwar gut aber ich finde echt nur seitenlange texte über den auf wiki etc. 5 minuten referat thema 168 Millionen Aktive Käufer - Große Auswahl an ‪Referate Halte ... Suche Thema für 5-Minuten Englisch Vortrag obama kommt zwar gut aber ich finde echt nur seitenlange texte über den auf wiki etc. Now he lives in Bremen. And I had a lot of fun. Wir müssen auf Englisch über uns 5 Minuten lang erzählen. I have 2 Brothers and 2 sisters. Lastly my sister, she is --- years old and his name are ---, she go in the fifth grade on the ---. In the rest of my free time i'm surfing in the internet. Now I tell them some things about my family. spinach. I'm shy and quiet but also I'm friendly. I have a best friend. Ich muss morgen eig. I am currently a student at the private Frenzel business school. I have one older brother, he is 19 years old. He also has a driver´s license and his own car, which he rents to come to ---. The Resturants are always open too. - ich weiss nicht mehr weiter und das was ich jetzt geschrieben habe geht nur so 3 min ... My Name is ................. and I am 15 years old. Every sunday I go to the swimming pool. My mother works as a saleswoman and my father works as a bricklayer in Switzerland I don't have a big circle of friends, but I really love the ones I have. I´m the class spokesman. London auf Engelisch LONDON London is the capital of Great Britain and England. Berlin is a very beautiful city and Berlin is the capital of Germany. When I have finished school, I want to serve an apprenticeship as an electrician, which will take 3 years. My Parents are Fourty-four years old and my Mum is called *** AT the Moment she is housewife.My dad is called * * * * * and He works as a Firmenname. Fast vier Jahre ist es her, dass ich hier im Blog die Idee kurzer Referate in der Lehre vorgestellt habe. I have two half brothers, their names are Patrick and Jeffrey. We always visit you on special occasions and celebrate together. Hello my Name .... Im 17 years old. 21st.1997 in Heidelberg- Germany .My mother is 51 years old . I often meet friends and go shopping.After school i want to study. 2. über ein spezielles Thema ( fast Food.) Thema ist egal sollte halt nur 5 minuten gehn.Hab absolut keine Ahnung sollte halt was sein ws man auch in der Zeit erklären kann und nicht den rahmen sprengt. Her Hobbies are cycling and inline Skating. Streitthema Lootboxen - Gehören sie im Sinne des Jugendschutzes verboten? In wenigen Minuten Antworten auf Deine Fragen. My name is Anna ..., I am 16 years old and I live in .... with my mother. Thank you for listening. Englischer Text (sich selber vorstellen) - so ok? I'm a stundent and have no money. Since May I live here in Berlin in a flat. My favorite colour is Green. They live in Kroatia with my oncle and his wife. My name is XY and I´m XY years old. The important is that I have a good Job, and a nice family. I was born on May. Kreative Referate: Userin Madel123 schlägt vor: Referat über ein Kochbuch … Klicke auf den untenstehenden Link und erstelle einen Account. I do not have a pet, but when I lived in Berlin I had one. I was thinking about marketing and management which is something that really interests me, because the idea of presenting and seeling a product sounds good to me. She is so beautiful. In the first week I missed Berlin very much, but now everything is fine. We have got one little dog called ***. Meeting friends like *** *** and surfing in the internet are also one of my favorite leisure activities. In August of this year i will start my training as a chemist. After 4 years they went to Germany as asylum seekers. But I have so little money. In the meantim I have a stepfather I also have four sisters, one younger and two older. I enjoy going to the cinema because I love movies. I prefer to listen to music but I spend a lot time with my friends . ich muss ein Englisch referat machen und habe das Thema: über mich und meine Famiele genommen . I attend 10th grade. I live at the moment in xxxstadt. (ausziehen von daheim weis leider nicht wie ich das anderes formulieren kann) My wishes and plans for the future is to have two children, a cat and a wonderful husband. This 150-foot monument was gifted to the United States from France in order to celebrate 100 years of America's independence. I haven’t been there yet. I have not a pet, but when i lived in Berlin i had a pet. On the other hand, most of the food is unhealthy. Wie ist die Stimmung beim Thema Datenschutz im Netz? I like to tinker with electrical appliances. He goes at the Dreifaltigkeits-Mittelschule Amberg. I go on the school * in the 9th class. but if we see any, we have to be careful because they could be dangerous. Some food is OK, but most of it has lots of calories. But also the fun should not come to short. Phasmophobia: Wie können Probleme mit der Spracherkennung gelöst werden? Ist der Text so gut und was könnte ich noch zu meinen Hobbys sagen? Das ist mein Referat. I would like to tell you something about me and my family. My brother has already done his apprenticeship as a mechatronic engineer. ich muss ein für meine englisch Prüfung (am montag) einen englischen vortrag halten 5 min. Today the United States has the largest fast food industry in the world. I like my School because I have many interesting subjects it are history and Germany but I don't like sport.In Summer I leave the school because it is my last school  years and I want to finish a good exams in order to I go in the secandary school.My Hobby is Swimming because I can good swimming therefore me have it much fun.In Winter I like go schlicht skating when the Weather is Bad I read books and wach TV.In the Week I go swimming twice and Most weekend I Meeting with my friends we go shopping or chillen. His favorite game is ---. I hope I will get a good leaving certificate so that I can start in my apprenticeship. I like sport for example riding my Bike but i hate footballe. 5 minuten Englisch Referat HILFE HALLO ich brauche Dringend eure HILFE !!! I love it to buy new clothes. Today, I would like to introduce myself. The biggest river in London is the Thames (75km) and it flows into the North Sea. The vacation was very nice and we saw great mountains from our house. I am not so happy with subjects concerning to numbers like Maths and Physics. VERBESSERUNG BITTE! Englischreferat: Bei einem Referat im Fach Englisch solltest du am besten ein Thema aus der Kultur wählen. The area is very nice and the neighbors pleasant. Die Referate sind nach Klasse eingeordnet und geben einen Überblick über das Niveau. The first Mc Donalds was opened on the 15 may 1940 in California. After my training as a chemist I would like to work one’s way up as a managar of a branch office. Last year we were on vacation in ---. I have already made 2 times a placement as an electrician. My mother and my father was born in Kosovo. The last movie I saw was an action movie and I started to draw. du solltest mit deinem vortrag so viele leute wie möglich interessieren.... bei sport ist das so ne sache..... formel 1 würd ich dir von abraten, da es warscheinlich auf geringes interesse stoßen wird... Klicke in dieses Feld, um es in vollständiger Größe anzuzeigen. und könnt ihr mir vielleicht tipps geben ? My grandmas living in Germany in --- and ---, They are both over eighty years old and are still very fit. Moin,muss zu übernächstem Freitag nen Vortrag für Englisch machen. Thema für Englisch Referat (10. For me the exchange would not only mean having fun but the possibility to make acquaintance with a new country and interesting people. hey ich muss eine 5 Minuten Präsentation in englisch halten die vom Niveau her der 10 klasse entsprechen muss. My first pictures are very bad, but I keep practicing. My favourite hobby is shopping. naja nun habe ich folgendes Problem das referat ist schon disen Freitag und ich habe schon was Vorbereitet aber dazu brauche ich nur 3 minuten also brauche ich nun eure Hilfe !!!! I have at 16 November birthday and i was Born at 1999 at ... My Hobbies are cycling, listen to Music and meet my friends. With 18 years I would like to make my driver's licence and move out. It's very important be able to master his mother tongue, because we visit our home country. jo klingt schon gut,em wird doch in 2 ländern ausgetragen,weil die länder einzeln das nicht auf die beine stellen könnten (wegen mangel an stadien etc.)? ich muss ein für meine englisch Prüfung (am montag) einen englischen vortrag halten 5 min. Most of the fast food restaurants got a drive-through.Fast Food restaurants are perfect for people who havent got much time and money to eat. Asphaltfertiger: Anbieter für Ihre Firma bei Support-Forum : Hier erhälst du binnen Minuten Hilfe bei allen schulischen und auch nicht-schulischen Themen.Oder stöbere in den bereits beantworteten Fragen im Forum . ich muss ein Englisch referat machen und habe das Thema: über mich und meine Famiele genommen . Hallo kann mir jemand weiter helfen ? das war wirklich interessant zu sehen. [Thema] Wecker, der alle 15 Minuten klingelt, warum die em in 2 ländern ausgetragen wird. My favourite activities are playing football and meet friends. At home we speak more Albanian than german. Her favorite games are --- and ---. Hallo ich muss morgen ein Englisch Referat halten und habe sehhhr große Panik davor :( Ich habe einen Text zusammen geschrieben und wollte fragen ob ihn vielleicht jemand überarbeiten kann oder mir eventuell sagen kann was ich noch dazu schreiben könnnte denn es soll ungefähr 3 Minuten lang dauern aber bis jetzt hab ich noch nicht viel :( ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen :)) eiso hier erst einmal der Text: With these report I want introduce you my Family. I live in Augsburg since 1998. I I would be very glad to take part at the exchange with ***(my school). Hallo Zusammen, Ich muss demnächst in der Schule ein Englisch Referat halten hab aber noch keine Themen. Subway has 31.000 Restaurants in 90 countries. My name is *** and I am thirteen years old. She has long fair hair. I supposed that one day I will get married and have children. He works at --- as a programmer, he is currently creating his own website. Although I have travelled through many countries, I have never been in England before. He also plans to get the driver´s license next year. I live with my Familiy in **** where we live is a big house. Die Referate bzw. Her name is Isabel she's 15. Ich muss ein Referat über Mich und meine Familie halten das 5 Minuten gehen soll, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob das alles gut geschrieben, und richtig formuliert ist. There was often bad weather. This is the year when I was born. My Hobbies are cycling and playing football with my frinds. The problem is don't have a sea for the ducks and this is sad but we have a bath and there they can go to swim. Mc Donalds is located in 120 countries and operates over 31.000 restaurants worldwide. The Resturants are good place for teenagers to meet because you don't have to behave quietly or wear anything special. My Brother and sister attends this school too. I like reading books very much especially about love , my favourite book is „weil du bei mir bist“. ich brauche noch 2 minuten Das ist mein … Englisch Referate, Hausaufgaben, Hausarbeiten Seite 13 (774 Referate … In the summer I like (--) swimming in the lake and in the winter I like (--) skiing in the mountains. 1. über sich selbst erzählen. Sometimes she is a bit crazy, but it's very funny. MY familiy Come Form ***** all are born in ***** out of my sister our motherlangaue is french furthermore my Familiy and I live SinCe nine year the school in ***** so in my class we are eight pupil there are five boys and three girls. Brauch umbedingt eure Hilfe muss das bis morgen können.. Ich want to toll you Something about me My Name is **** but my friends call me *** as a nickname. First they was in Cham, after then they went amberg. I have two half-brothers, their names are Patrick and Jeffrey. Hallo Leute es ist so das wir morgen uns auf english vorstellen müssen und das es mindestens 2min lang sein soll passt dieser Text ? Weltkrieg gemacht hat, oder 1968 usw. He went go to high school, and successfully graduated with excellent grades. Pls könnte sich jemand meinen Text auf Fehler ansehen? I will be 18 next year. We life in a beautiful house. I live with my family in Wiesental.. My favourite colour is green and my favourite food is Chicken wings. Now it is only a dream but maybe some day. AW: Englisch 5-Minuten New York City Referat vlt auf die entstehungsgeschichte. That's not ok, but we can't otherwise. We went hiking almost every day and also went to restaurants. His favorite food are pancakes with applesauce. At the moment I go to grammar school and I am in the 6th form. I would like to have a flat in Vienna on my own. - ich weiss nicht mehr weiter und das was ich jetzt geschrieben habe … When i finished this school i want to get an Education as an electrician. and I visit the 9th class. XY is a town near Berlin. We visit every year my related in Kosovo they live in the capital, Prishtina. Nicht unbedingt schön, aber selten, mit vielen Fehlern. My family and my friends say about me that I am reliable, polite and I have a good behavior. My favourite food is kebap, and I like to drink cola. Instagram: Warum sind Nachrichten bei manchen blau? it is now a struggle for survival. My mottos are from nothing comes nothing and nothing is to be taken for granted, Hello! I would to like to tell you something about my hobbies and interests. All the paper isn't good for the environment and the Resturants aren't very nice. His hobbies are meeting friends and creating games at home on the computer. The and I am in the 9th class. I have already been to many places. I to bothersome my mum that she buy me a duck or maybe 2 ducks and I helping in the house when i buy baby ducks. Currently I don’t have a driver license, but I will have it next year. My favorite (= AE; favourite = BE)meal is cutlet and I hate. Hallo Ich habe morgen eine Mündliche Prüfung in Englisch und wollte wissen, ob die Beschreibung okay ist. Allgemeines 1 The Walt Disney Company (WDC) US-amerikanischer Medienkonzern international bekannt Umsatz 55,6 Millarden US Dollar weltweit größte & wichtigste Medienunternehmen Walter Disney Walter Elias Disney Geboren: 5.12.1901 in Chicago 1923 mit Bruder Roy O. Disney die Disney However, these are further plans. Burger King has more than 11.000 restaurants in more than 65 countries. In the future i would to work in a büro. My second oldest brother is --- years old and his name is ---, he is in the twelve grade at the high school in ---. Berlin is a very beautiful city and (Berlin is) the capital of Germany. Dieses Thema im Forum "Schule, Studium, Ausbildung" wurde erstellt von dont_leech, 10. ich brauche noch 2 minuten I want to tell you something about me and my family. The best Holiday was in Italy because i love the sea and the beach very much. Hello, my name is Linda G... and I am 16 years old since the 10. Da das Thema nicht nur du, sondern du und deine Familie ist, kannst du noch von deinem opa eltern etc, was dazu nehmen, zB. Referat zum Thema "Indiana" - kostenlos! zwei Referate halten, allerdings bin ich mit Englisch nicht fertig geworden und werd es nicht mehr (außer ich arbeite bis in die halbe nacht durch aber mir fallen schon die Augen zu)Also in der ersten Stunde muss ich morgen das nicht fertige Referat vortragen, wenns nicht geht, muss ich ne 5-seitige Hausarbeit schreiben .. I still remember, but there will never be another time like this. Together with my parents and my two years older brother, I live in a house with a big garden. my group wanders through the deserts to find villages and shops and to loot them. Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. Many of my group are younger than me and cannot remember the old life, I can. Hausaufgaben werden von unseren Besuchern hochgeladen. habe in letztens im tv eine doku über N.Y gesehen, speziell über dne brückenbau, welcher MASSGEBLICH an der entstehung und des wachstums N.Y beteiligt war. Hab 3 Ideen was haltet ihr davon: Fußball-EM,Fußballn ationalmannschaft oder Formel 1 + ein Team genauer. My hobbies are cycling and playing football with my **friends. My favorite meal is cutlet and i hate, I want to tell you something about me and my family. First of all, my name is --- and I was born in --- on the 28th february 2005, so I´m fourteen years old. You habe to drive 45 minutes by car to XY. Now I am trying to concentrate on my education and career. I like to tinker with electrical appliances, to this end /for this I use motors, lights and cables. 2. über ein spezielles Thema ( fast Food.) My mothers Name is Christine, she is 49 years old and was Born in Simbach am Inn. I have a guineapig and a rabbit in my room, my guineapig is three and my rabbit is five years old. But Radolfzell is also very nice. Die Bedingungen: Jedes Thema muss für (angehende) PR-Leute relevant sein, und die Referate sollen nur fünf Minuten dauern. And when i have baby ducks then is the name from the ducks fluffy and schnatter, well wish me good luck! The Statue of Liberty, arguably one of New York City's most iconic symbols, is a popular tourist attraction for first-time visitors to the city. An one younger Sister, she ist 12 years old. I was born in Berlin and 2005, my parents and I moved to Radolfzell My favorite subjects are all languages. Ist das so richtig? Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mein Referat verbessert! Now i like to have a cat but my mum has a allergy. Es sollte 5 Minuten dauern und einfach sein also nicht so Biologie in Englisch :P. Geh in die 9 Klasse Realschule . Die Referate bzw. This is the valentins day. Then I was born. Now I would like to have a cat but my mum has an allergy. We had 2 degos but they are dead. Ich muss ein Referat halten über mich und meiner Familie deswegen wollte ich mal fragen wie ihr das hier findet. Finde uns : Folge uns : Referate / Hausarbeiten: - Biografie - Biologie - Chemie - Deutsch - Englisch - Französisch - Geografie - Geschichte - Informatik - Italienisch - Kunst - Latein - Mathematik - Musik - Philosophie - Physik - Politik - Psychologie - Sonstige - Sozialkunde - Spanisch - Sport - Technik - Wirtschaft : Bachelorarbeiten: … ... englisch referat ( fast food) Hallo kann mir jemand weiter helfen ? 1. über sich selbst erzählen. Hausaufgaben werden von unseren Besuchern hochgeladen. She also have a guineapig, and her hobbies are horse riding and cycle. My half-brothers live in Berlin ** My mother works as a saleswoman and my father works as a bricklayer in Switzerland. I also enjoy playing online games on the laptop. Ich muss ein Referat über Mich und meine Familie halten das 5 Minuten gehen soll, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob das alles gut geschrieben, und richtig formuliert ist. Diesem Konzept bin ich nun schon… My grandmas also have a large garden and lots of space. Das Formular zum Arbeiten veröffentlichen nimmt nur wenige Minuten in Anspruch und viele Schüler und Studenten werden sehr dankbar sein. Pluspunkte gibt es sicherlich, wenn du das Referat auch auf Englisch hältst. She is awesome. My father and my brother have birthday on the same day. I have often dreamed of taking a trip round the world. But I am not sure yet what I will study. I was born here in Berlin and grew up in XY. On the one hand , I think fast food resturants are Ok. You get your food quckly and the food is cheaper than in other resturants. My mother is 48 years old she has married my father at the age of 25. she couldn't have any children about 7 years. I would like have a nice future. For example I was in Turkey and Italy. My hometown is ***. I live with my Family in ---, which is a nice town in --- in the south of Germany. And we visit Ulqin for 10 days. The USA has the most overweight teenagers in the world : 14 % of 15 year old boys and 15 % of 15 year old girls.The problem is Fast Food, because most of the food has lots of calories and the people eat too much. We will also celebrate XY together. Hazel Brugger live. Referat oder Hausaufgabe zum Thema englisch referat new york cit . glaub mir, damit wird keiner rechnen und da kannst du definitiv einen schwerpunkt draus machen! I also enjoy playing online games by the laptop. My name is xxxx but my nickname is xxxx. My best friend is Debora. I was born in Russia. We also have a dog named Chicco, who is twelve years old and a cat named Becki ,who is four years old. Auf dieser Seite findest du Referate, Inhaltsangaben, Hausarbeiten und Hausaufgaben zu (fast) jedem Thema. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------, --------------------------------------------. I´m the class President. After my graduation, I would like to start a apprenticeship, but I don’t even found one. My Family consits of 4 Person. I often think about my future. Aktenzeichen: "26 W (pat) 6/15" Raid-Rush nach langer Zeit endlich Thema vor Gericht!!! He often plays on the computer with his friends and goes to a club with them. I have also some plans about my family. In my free time I often play football. He is farmer too. Englisch Referat über mich und meine Familie! The Name of my scool is Radoldoldushool this is in radolfzell We just laughter every day when we are at school. danke im vorraus ! My Hobbys are listen to music and meet my friends. I also had fish, but unfortunately they died of water poisoning. I was born on 4th of december in xxxheim. I was born in Berlin and in 2005, my parents and I moved to Radolfzell. I really would like to visit Switzerland, America and England. My favorite animals are penguins . I have 1 brother and 1 sister both are younger than me. My sister also attends school and is in the 6th grade. Lernhelfer – alle Themen für Englisch-Referate der Schulklassen 5 bis 10 Englisch-Referat, -Hausaufgaben oder -Klassenarbeit – das Schülerlexikon ist für dich da! When I moved to Germany with my family I was 4 year. I've got two older brothers and their names are Max and Luis. The name from my brother is Labinot he’s 12 years old. I have an older sister, she is 23 years old. London has … Ein Referat (ungefähr 10-15 Minuten) ist länger und ausführlicher als eine Präsentation (ca. I was thinking about traveling. Für das Hochladen benötigen wir folgende … Exactly on 14th February.


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