Eternal praise is due to the symbol of that suffering God, the Saviour with the crown of thorns, the crucified Christ, whose blood was as a healing balm that flowed into the wounds of humanity. Heine said this on his deathbed (1856). He was known as Harry until he converted to Christianity when he was in his 20s. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Eternal praise is due to the symbol of that suffering God, the Saviour with the crown of thorns, the crucified Christ, whose blood was as a healing balm that flowed into the wounds of humanity. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Man muss die Deutschen von innen befreien, von außen hilft nichts. Februar vor 150 Jahren ist Heinrich Heine gestorben, einer der unbequemsten und missverstandensten Dichter Deutschlands. „Experience is a good school. Heinrich Heine lebte von 1797 bis 1856. Christianity has been a blessing for suffering humanity during eighteen centuries ; it has been providential, divine, holy. Franzosen und Russen gehört das Land,/ Das Meer gehört den Briten,/ Wir (Deutsche; d.Red.) Alle Menschen, die kein Herz haben, sind dumm. Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Zitate von Heinrich Heine. Rightly do men also call it the Holy Scripture; for he that has lost his God can find Him again in this Book, and towards him that has never known God it sends forth the breath of the Divine Word. Treten Sie uns bei. Heinrich Heine Zitate von Heinrich Heine (632 zitate) „ Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,/ Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht,/ Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen,/ Und meine heißen Tränen fließen. Christian Johann Heinrich Heine war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Dichter,… (Seite 6) Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf, Germany. But the fees are high.“, „I owe my conversion simply to the reading of a book.“, „I believe in progress; I believe that happiness is the goal of humanity, and I cherish a higher idea of the Divine Being than those pious folk who suppose that man was created only to suffer.“, „The duration of religions has always been dependent on human need for them. Christian Johann Heinrich Heine war einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Dichter,… (Seite 6) Enjoy the best Heinrich Heine Quotes at BrainyQuote. Christianity has been a blessing for suffering humanity during eighteen centuries; it has been providential, divine, holy. Denn die Gedanken kommen nicht aus dem Kopfe, sondern aus dem Herzen. "Dass ich dieses jiddische Epos nun ausgerechnet in die Sprache der Mörder transportiere, soll keinen irritieren. Hilarious. All that it has done in the interest of civilisation, curbing the strong and strengthening the weak, binding together the nations through a common sympathy and a common tongue, and all else that its apologists have urged in its praise all this is as nothing compared with that great consolation it has bestowed on man. Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Zitat des Tages von Heinrich Heine: Talking and eloquence are not the same: to speak and to speak well are two things. His father was a successful textile merchant and Heine followed in his father's footsteps by studying business. Heinrich Heine Zitate auf Englisch. Share with your friends. Du bist wie eine Blume,So hold und schön und rein;Ich schau dich an, und WehmutSchleicht mir ins Herz hinein.Du Bist Wie eine Blume, st. 1, Lyrical Intermezzo, 57; in Poems of Heinrich Heine: Three Hundred and Twenty-five Poems (1917) Selected and translated by Louis Untermeyer, p. 73, As quoted in The Modern Handbook of Humor (1967) by Ralph Louis Woods, p. 493, As quoted in Peter's Quotations : Ideas for Our Time (1977) by Laurence J. Peter, p. 343. His father was a successful textile merchant and Heine followed in his father's footsteps by studying business. Franzosen und Russen gehört das Land,/ Das Meer gehört den Briten,/ Wir (Deutsche; d.Red.) Mit Heine wird man nicht so leicht fertig: Am 17. Schöne Zitate.Teilen Sie Ihre Leidenschaft für Zitate. Das Geld ist der Gott unserer Zeit und Rothschild ist sein Prophet. And this book is called quite shortly the Book, the Bible. „Der Himmel erhalte dich, wackres Volk, Er segne deine Saaten, Bewahre dich vor Krieg und Ruhm, Vor Helden und Heldentaten.“ Heinrich Heine Wie kaum ein anderer hat Heinrich Heine (1797 - 1856) die Deutschen gleichermaßen so heiß geliebt, wie heftig kritisiert und mit beißendem Spott übergossen. The poet especially must acknowledge with reverence the terrible sublimity of this symbol.“, „In dark ages people are best guided by religion, as in a pitch-black night a blind man is the best guide; he knows the roads and paths better than a man who can see. Man muß die Deutschen von innen befreien, von außen hilft nichts. Nor have I ever seen an ass, at least any four-footed one, that spake as a man, though I have often enough met men who, whenever they opened their mouths, spake as asses.In truth, it was neither a vision, nor a seraphic revelation, nor a voice from heaven, nor any strange dream or other mystery that brought me into the way of salvation; and I owe my conversion simply to the reading of a book. Zitat von Heinrich Heine „ Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. aber besitzen im Luftreich des Traums/ Die Herrschaft unbestritten. The question remains: how?“, „All I really want is enough to live on, a little house in the country… and a tree in the garden with seven of my enemies hanging in it.“, „God will forgive me. The Jews, who appreciate the value of precious things, knew right well what they did when, at the burning of the second temple, they left to their fate the gold and silver implements of sacrifice, the candlesticks and lamps, even the breastplate of the High Priest adorned with great jewels, but saved the Bible. Zitate von Heinrich Heine. A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks. Yet, though all this be the case, it will be the duty even of those who regard Christianity as an error still to uphold it; and men must journey barefoot through Europe, wearing monks' cowls, preaching the doctrine of renunciation and the vanity of all earthly possessions, holding up before the gaze of a scourged and despised humanity the consoling Cross, and promising, after death, all the glories of heaven.The duration of religions has always been dependent on human need for them. Biografie von Heinrich Heine Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit kam Heine am 13. Religion and Philosophy in Germany, A fragment, p. 14-15Kontext: In my latest book, "Komancero," I have explained the transformation that took place within me regarding sacred things. Of Savoye, appointed ambassador to Frankfurt by Lamartine (1848); as quoted in Insults : A Practical Anthology of Scathing Remarks and Acid Portraits (1941) by Max John Herzberg, p. 74, As quoted in One Big Fib : The Incredible Story of the Fraudulent First International Bank of Grenada (2003) by Owen Platt, p. 37. A book? The Home-coming, Poem 74; also in Poems of Heinrich Heine: Three Hundred and Twenty-five Poems (1917) Selected and translated by Louis Untermeyer, p. 134Kontext: Oh what lies there are in kisses!And their guile so well prepared!Sweet the snaring is; but this isSweeter still, to be ensnared. The poet especially must acknowledge with reverence the terrible sublimity of this symbol. Mankind, it may be, is doomed to eternal misery; the nations are perhaps under a perpetual curse, condemned to be trodden under foot by despots, to be made the instruments of their accomplices and the laughing-stocks of their menials. The one expectation is perhaps as vain as the other; there may be no resurrection of humanity either in a political or in a religious sense. Whenever books are burned, men also in the end are burned. When daylight comes, however, it is foolish to use blind, old men as guides.“, „Ordinarily he is insane, but he has lucid moments when he is only stupid.“, „There are more fools in the world than there are people.“, „Nature knows no indecencies; man invents them.“, „Lo, sleep is good, better is death--in sooth, „I fell asleep reading a dull book, and I dreamed that I was reading on, so I awoke from sheer boredom.“, „At first I was almost about to despair, I thought I never could bear it — but I did bear it. Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht,/ Dann bin ich um den Schlaf gebracht,/ Ich kann nicht mehr die Augen schließen,/ Und meine heißen Tränen fließen. Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), dt. Heinrich Heine (1787-1856) Zitate von Heinrich Heine Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht, ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Almansor: A Tragedy (1823), as translated in True Religion (2003) by Graham Ward, p. 142Variant translations:Wherever books are burned, men in the end will also burn.Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people.Where they burn books, they will also burn people.It is there, where they burn books, that eventually they burn people.Where they burn books, so too will they in the end burn human beings.Where they burn books, they also burn people.Them that begin by burning books, end by burning men.Variante: Where they have burned books, they will end in burning human beings. In der Schulzeit machte Heine erste lyrische Versuche. He was known as Harry until he converted to Christianity when he was in his 20s. Quotations by Heinrich Heine, German Poet, Born December 13, 1797. Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), dt. Dezember 1797 in Düsseldorf als Harry Heine auf die Welt. Heinrich Heine lebte von 1797 bis 1856. He must have thought that up years before and counted the seconds to use it.“, „Where they burn books, at the end they also burn people“. It's his job." Heinrich Heine was born in Düsseldorf, Germany. Heinrich Heine, geboren am 13.Dezember 1797 als Harry Heine in Düsseldorf, Herzogtum Berg; gestorben am 17. Unsere Sammlung enthält 6 Einträge von ihm, die in folgenden Kategorien zu finden sind: Religion and Philosophy in Germany, A fragment This was the real treasure of the Temple, and, thanks be to God! Yes, and it is an old, homely-looking book, modest as nature and natural as it; a book that has a work-a-day and unassuming look, like the sun that warms us, like the bread that nourishes us; a book that seems to us as familiar and as full of kindly blessing as the old grandmother who reads daily in it with dear, trembling lips, and with spectacles on her nose. Fatal ist mir das Lumpenpack, das, um die Herzen zu rühren, den Patriotismus trägt zur Schau, mit allen seinen Geschwüren. Unsere Sammlung enthält 6 Einträge von ihm, die in folgenden Kategorien zu finden sind: Dichter Heinrich Heine. p. 25Kontext: I believe in progress; I believe that happiness is the goal of humanity, and I cherish a higher idea of the Divine Being than those pious folk who suppose that man was created only to suffer. Pious souls, thirsting after a miracle, have desired to know whether, like Saul on the way to Damascus, I had seen a light from heaven; or whether, like Balaam, the son of Beor, I was riding on a restive ass, that suddenly opened its mouth and began to speak as a man? All that it has done in the interest of civilisation, curbing the strong and strengthening the weak, binding together the nations through a common sympathy and a common tongue, and all else that its apologists have urged in its praise all this is as nothing compared with that great consolation it has bestowed on man. Im düstern Auge keine Träne, Sie sitzen am Webstuhl und fletschen die Zähne: Deutschland, wir weben dein Leichentuch, Wir weben hinein den dreifachen Fluch - Wir weben, wir weben. No; ye credulous believers, I never journeyed to Damascus, nor do I know anything about it, save that lately the Jews there were accused of devouring aged monks of St. Francis; and I might never have known even the name of the city had I not read the Song of Solomon, wherein the wise king compares the nose of his beloved to a tower that looketh towards Damascus. aber besitzen im Luftreich des Traums/ Die Herrschaft unbestritten. Dichter Even here on earth I would strive, through the blessings of free political and industrial institutions, to bring about that reign of felicity which, in the opinion of the pious, is to be postponed till heaven is reached after the day of Judgment. Er liebte das Land, litt mit dem einfachen Volk,… Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Since its publication many inquiries have been made, with zealous importunity, as to the manner in which the true light dawned upon me. Der später als „letzter Lyriker der Romantik“ bezeichnete Sohn eines assimilierten jüdischen Tuchhändlers begann 1814 eine kaufmännische Ausbildung.


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