Gagarin Raion in Sevastopol, Ukraine, was named after him during the period of the Soviet Union. Government officials said they saw no reason to begin a new investigation. [88] Another theory, advanced in 2005 by the original crash investigator, hypothesizes that a cabin air vent was accidentally left open by the crew or the previous pilot, leading to oxygen deprivation and leaving the crew incapable of controlling the aircraft. Hij bezocht Italië, Duitsland, Canada, Brazilië, Japan, Egypte, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Finland en Cuba[2] om de prestaties van de Sovjet-Unie te promoten. [113], A number of buildings and locations have been named for Gagarin. [10][11][13] While in Saratov, Gagarin volunteered at a local flying club for weekend training as a Soviet air cadet, where he trained to fly a biplane, and later a Yak-18. In 1961 the Olympic sports training center in Chernihiv in Ukraine, was named Stadion Yuri Gagarin and the 25 May 1964, Gagarin in person attended the stadium. De vlucht bestond uit een enkele baan om de aarde en duurde 108 minuten van lancering tot landing. Jurij Alexejevič Gagarin (rus. [89] In April 2011, documents from a 1968 commission set up by the Central Committee of the Communist Party to investigate the accident were declassified. Previous attempts at portraying Gagarin were disallowed; his family took legal action over his portrayal in a fictional drama and vetoed a musical. Newspapers around the globe published his biography and details of his flight. In 1960, na een lange zoektocht en selectieprocedure werd Joeri Gagarin naast 19 andere piloten gekozen voor het ruimtevaartprogramma van de Sovjet-Unie. Gagarin en de andere kandidaten werden onderworpen aan experimenten om hun fysieke en psychologische gesteldheid te testen. On 4 June 1980, Monument to Yuri Gagarin in Gagarin Square, Leninsky Avenue, Moscow, was opened. [74] She was a medical technician who had graduated from Orenburg Medical School. Coming from humble beginnings, Gagarin had finished a course in flying and had entered the Soviet Air Force as a cadet, from which he graduated in 1957. [26], The Vanguard Six were given the title of pilot-cosmonaut in January 1961[30] and entered a two-day examination conducted by a special interdepartmental commission led by Lieutenant-General Nikolai Kamanin, the overseer of the Vostok programme. [10][13], Some sources have said that Gagarin commented during his flight, "I don't see any God up here," though no such words appear in the verbatim record of his conversations with Earth stations during the spaceflight. [104], Gagarin was also awarded the 1960 Gold Air Medal and the 1961 De la Vaulx Medal from the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale in Switzerland. [92], According to some conspiracy theories, Gagarin's death was ordered by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, who supposedly was jealous of Gagarin's popularity, overshadowing him at public events. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 20 okt 2020 om 08:37. Transliteration Jurij Alekse’evič Gagarin; * 9. [140][141] Belgrade City Manager Goran Vesic stated that neither the city, the Serbian Ministry of Culture, nor the foundation that financed it had prior knowledge of the design. [18][46], At about 7,000 metres (23,000 ft), Gagarin ejected from the descending capsule as planned and landed using a parachute. Posted by: argus1972. [64], The Soyuz 1 launch was rushed due to implicit political pressures[65] and despite Gagarin's protests that additional safety precautions were necessary. [147][148], "Gagarin" redirects here. [9], In 1955, Gagarin was accepted to the First Chkalovsky Higher Air Force Pilots School in Orenburg. Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin [a] (9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut who became the first human to journey into outer space, achieving a major milestone in the Space Race; his capsule, Vostok 1, completed one orbit of Earth on 12 April 1961. [25], Gagarin was a candidate favoured by his peers. Mäerz 1968 bei Nowosjolowo am Rajon Kirschatsch, Oblast Wladimir, Russesch SFSR, war e sowjetesche Kosmonaut.. Den 12. Hierop werd Gagarin adjunct-directeur van het opleidingscentrum in Sterrenstad. [125], Vessels have been named for Gagarin; Soviet tracking ship Kosmonavt Yuri Gagarin was built in 1971[126] and the Armenian airline Armavia named their first Sukhoi Superjet 100 in his honour in 2011. Gagarin continues to be internationally recognised as the first human in space and first to orbit the Earth. Er werden twee herdenkingsmunten uitgebracht in de Sovjet-Unie om de 20ste en 30ste verjaardag van zijn vlucht te gedenken: 1 roebel (1981, koper/nikkel) en 3 roebel (1991, zilver). [18] On 20 December, Gagarin became Deputy Training Director of the cosmonaut training facility. [87][88] According to a biography of Gagarin by Jamie Doran and Piers Bizony, Starman: The Truth Behind the Legend of Yuri Gagarin, the KGB worked "not just alongside the Air Force and the official commission members but against them. [115] A street in Warsaw, Poland, is called Yuri Gagarin Street. [31][32] Gagarin was also subjected to experiments that were designed to test physical and psychological endurance including oxygen starvation tests in which the cosmonauts were locked in an isolation chamber and the air slowly pumped out. Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin - Bonn, NRW, Germany. [114] The launch pad at Baikonur Cosmodrome from which Sputnik 1 and Vostok 1 were launched is now known as Gagarin's Start. [20][c] Gagarin began training at the Khodynka Airfield in downtown Moscow on 15 March 1960. Gagarin liet zijn vrouw en twee kinderen achter. The commission was tasked with ranking the candidates based on their mission readiness for the first human Vostok mission. While acquaintances say Gagarin had been a "sensible drinker", his touring schedule placed him in social situations in which he was increasingly expected to drink alcohol. [93][94][95][96][97], On 14 April 1961, Gagarin was honoured with a 12-mile (19 km) parade attended by millions of people that concluded at the Red Square. [84] Wrapped in secrecy, the cause of the crash that killed Gagarin is uncertain and became the subject of several theories. Gagarin enrolled in the programme in September 1960 and did not earn his specialist diploma until early 1968. The documents revealed that the commission's original conclusion was that Gagarin or Seryogin had manoeuvred sharply, either to avoid a weather balloon or to avoid "entry into the upper limit of the first layer of cloud cover", leading the jet into a "super-critical flight regime and to its stalling in complex meteorological conditions". Mäerz 1934 zu Kluschino bei Gjatsk an der Sowjetunioun, a gestuerwen de 27. The core stage then separated while the rocket was in a suborbital trajectory, and the upper stage carried it to orbit. [9], In 1950, aged 16, Gagarin began an apprenticeship as a foundryman at a steel plant in Lyubertsy, near Moscow,[10][11] and enrolled at a local "young workers" school for seventh-grade evening classes. When they were asked to vote anonymously for a candidate besides themselves they would like to be the first to fly, all but three chose Gagarin. [109] During a tour of Egypt in late January 1962, Gagarin received the Order of the Nile[110] and the golden keys to the gates of Cairo. Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin war ein sowjetischer Kosmonaut und der erste Mensch im Weltraum. Daar gaf hij zich op voor training in het weekend als Sovjet luchtcadet waar hij leerde vliegen, eerst in een dubbeldekker, later ook in de Jak-18. [11][13][75] They were married on 7 November of the same year,[11] the same day Gagarin graduated from his flight school, and they had two daughters. [23], From a pool of 154 qualified pilots short-listed by their Air Force units, the military physicians chose 29 cosmonaut candidates, of which 20 were approved by the Credential Committee of the Soviet government. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин; * 9. marec 1934, Gžatsk – † 27. marec 1968, neďaleko obce Novosiolovo) bol sovietsky kozmonaut, prvý človek, ktorý vzlietol do vesmíru.Svoj kozmický let odštartoval 12. apríla 1961 na lodi Vostok 1 z kozmodrómu Bajkonur.Obletel Zem a po 106 minútach pristál.


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