to which Gagarin replied: ". Dear friends, both known and unknown to me, fellow countrymen, and people of all countries and continents! I would like to sincerely thank our scientists, engineers, technicians, all Soviet workers who created such a ship which allows to confidently comprehend the secrets of outer space. What an indescribable gamut of colors! Schöne Zitate.Teilen Sie Ihre Leidenschaft für Zitate. What can I say to you in these last minutes before the start? As quoted in The Air Up There : More Great Quotations on Flight (2003) by Dave English, p. 118“, „I enjoyed the rich color spectrum of the earth. „I looked and looked but I didn't see God.“, „First words upon returning to Earth, to a woman and a girl near where his capsule landed (12 April 1961) The woman asked: "Can it be that you have come from outer space?" Pride? Juri Gagarin (1934-1968) sowjetischer Kosmonaut. berÜhmte zitate a-b | c-d | e-f | g-h | i-j | k-l | m-n o-p | q-r | s-t | u-v | w-x | y-z | q-r | s-t | u-v | w-x | y-z It is safe to say that we will fly on our more distant routes on our Soviet spacecraft. Es gab keine Spur von Gott." The whole of my life seems to be condensed into one wonderful moment. This has been reported as a remark Gagarin made while in orbit aboard Vostok 1, but there is no indication of it in the official transcripts of his communications. Just like the paintings of the artist Nicholas Roerich. Geboren am 09.03.1934 in Kluschino März 1968Andere Namen: Jurij Alexejevič Gagarin. When they saw me in my space suit and the parachute dragging alongside as I walked, they started to back away in fear. Our people, with their genius and their heroic work, created the Vostok spaceship, wonderful in the world, and its very smart, very reliable equipment. This page was last edited on 13 August 2020, at 15:38. April 1961 um 9:06 Uhr Ortszeit vom Weltraumbahnhof Tjuratam (heute Baikonur) abhob. Geburtstag: 9. März 1934 Todesdatum: 27. Opfer der Propaganda-Maschine. I told them, don't be afraid, I am a, Recalling his meeting with workers in a field, upon his landing, as quoted in. But immediately after that I thought of the tremendous responsibility I bore: to be the first to do what generations of people had dreamed of; to be the first to pave the way into space for mankind. Ю́рий Алексе́евич Гага́рин; 9. maaliskuuta 1934 Gžatsk, Neuvostoliitto – 27. maaliskuuta 1968) oli Neuvostoliiton ilmavoimien majurin arvoinen koelentäjä, neuvostoliittolainen kosmonautti ja samalla maailman ensimmäinen avaruuslentäjä.Lentonsa jälkeen hänet ylennettiin ensin majuriksi ja myöhemmin everstiksi. "Dunkel, Genossen, ist der Weltraum, sehr dunkel. März 1934 in Kluschino, Smolensk in der Russischen SFSR, Sowjetunion (heute Russland) geboren und verstarb mit nur 34 Jahren am 27. "- So zitiert von Heiner Müller im letzten Satz seines Theaterstücks "Germania 3. Ведь главная сила в человеке — это сила духа.Variant translation: The main human strength is willpower.As quoted in Essays on Marxist-Leninist Ethics [марксистско-ленинской этике] (1962) by Simon S. Utkin [Семен Семенович Уткин], p. 180, Облетев Землю в корабле-спутнике, я увидел, как прекрасна наша планета. on 14 April 1961, a couple days after his historic flight, but the authenticity of such statements have been disputed; Colonel Valentin Petrov stated in 2006 that the cosmonaut never said such words, and that the quote originated from Nikita Khrushchev's speech at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU about the state's anti-religion campaign, saying "Gagarin flew into space, but didn't see any god there." (2006) by Paul Schlieker, p. 17DisputedVariante: No I didn't see God. Ведь главная сила в человеке — это сила духа. Joy? Rays were blazing through the of the earth, the horizon became bright orange, gradually passing into all the colors of the rainbow: from light blue to dark blue, to violet and then to black. To be the first to enter the cosmos, to engage single handed in an unprecedented duel with nature - could anyone dream of anything greater than that? Asking for the roof of his car to be put back despite the pouring rain, during his visit to Manchester (12 July 1961), as quoted in, Many people are interested in my biography. No, it was not just pride. April 1961 flog der sowjetische Raumfahrer und Luftwaffen-Testpilot Juri Gagarin als erster Mensch ins Weltall. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин; Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin (9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Soviet cosmonaut and the first human in space (12 April 1961). Люди, будем хранить и преумножать эту красоту, а не разрушать её!Russian phrase, handwritten and signed after his historic spaceflight, photo of facsimile published in Syny goluboi planety 3rd.edition (1981) by L. Lebedev, A. Romanov, and B/ Luk'ianov; the first edition was translated into English as Sons of the Blue Planet (1973) by L. A. Lebedev, Statement of April 1961, as quoted in Warrior of Light : The Life of Nicholas Roerich : Artist, Himalayan explorer and visionary (2002) by Colleen Messina, p. 46, Asking for the roof of his car to be put back despite the pouring rain, during his visit to Manchester (12 July 1961), as quoted in "Yuri Gagarin: Mankind's first giant leap" in The Economist (3 August 2011) … Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin wäre heute 86 Jahre, 3 Monate, 3 Tage oder 31.507 Tage alt. „Pojechali!“ – „Los geht’s!“, rief der 27-jährige Militärpilot Juri Gagarin, als seine Rakete am 12. Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin war ein sowjetischer Kosmonaut und der erste Mensch im Weltraum. When I watched the horizon, I saw the abrupt, contrasting transition from the earth's light-colored surface to the absolutely black sky. Er wurde in den 1930er-Jahren am 9. Let me also thank all the comrades and the whole team that prepared me for the space flight. Russian: Поéхали, Poyekhali!Uttered during the launch of Vostok 1 (12 April 1961); quoted by Sergey Viktorovich Novikov, in Большая историческая энциклопедия (The Greater Historical Encyclopedia) (2003) by Olma Media Group, p, 943Variant translations: Let's ride!Let's drive!Off we go! Сборник документов, Photo, Audio and Video with Yuri Gagarin (in Russian), Transcripts of Gagarin's conversations from space, Article in online Encyclopedia of cosmonautics, Various information about Yuri Gagarin (in Russian),, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, First words upon returning to Earth, to a woman and a girl near where his capsule landed (12 April 1961) The woman asked: "Can it be that you have come from outer space?" Geburtstag: 9. Treten Sie uns bei. Discover interesting quotes and translate them. As quoted in Earth's Aura (1977) by Louise B. YoungKontext: What beauty. Sterbedatum. März 1968 Andere Namen: Jurij Alexejevič Gagarin I have read in a newspaper that some irresponsible persons in the. to which Gagarin replied: "As a matter of fact, I have!" People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, not destroy it!“, „Rays were blazing through the atmosphere of the earth, the horizon became bright orange, gradually passing into all the colors of the rainbow: from light blue to dark blue, to violet and then to black. Juri Aleksejevitš Gagarin (ven. Juri Gagarin, ihr Vorreiter im Kosmos, hatte nach seiner Landung sagen müssen, er habe Gott nicht gefunden, da oben. This has been reported as a remark Gagarin made while in orbit aboard, Trying to describe the experience of going to space has been. I felt great happiness. Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin war ein sowjetischer Kosmonaut, der 1961 an Bord der „Wostok 1“ als erster Mensch in den Weltraum flog und die Erde umkreiste. Recalling his meeting with workers in a field, upon his landing, as quoted in "Life on Mars?" by Jesse Skinner in Toro magazine (14 October 2008) It is surrounded by a light blue aureole that gradually darkens, becoming turquiose, dark blue, violet, and finally coal black. After over 40 years of secrecy, the real cause of death of Soviet cosmonaut Yury I am convinced that all my friends, pilot-cosmonauts, are also ready to fly around our planet at any time. Am 12. Variant: No I didn't see God. Mehr und mehr dringt nun aber durch, dass sein berühmtestes Zitat nicht von ihm stammte, sondern ihm in den Mund gelegt worden war. Am 12. Everything I have experienced and done till now has been in preparation for this moment… You realize that it is hard to express my feeling now – when the moment for the test, for which we have been training long and passionately, is so close. Er war Oberst der sowjetischen Luftstreitkräfte und trug die Auszeichnung Held der Sowjetunion. Trying to describe the experience of going to space has been difficult from the very beginning. I enjoyed the rich color spectrum of the earth. I looked and looked but I didn't see God. I don't have to tell you what I felt when it was suggested that I should make this flight, the first in history. As quoted in To Rise from Earth (1996) by Wayne Lee; some websites quote him as saying "I looked and looked and looked but I didn't see God." I told them, don't be afraid, I am a Soviet like you, who has descended from space and I must find a telephone to call Moscow!“. No, it was something more than that. It is similar to the above statements he reportedly made after his return to earth, which might have given rise to this account.Misattributed. Überprüft. Время московское. Gagarin himself was a member of the Russian Orthodox Church.As quoted in What's Missing Inside You? I looked and looked but I didn't see God. It is surrounded by a light blue aureole that gradually darkens, becoming turquiose, dark blue, violet, and finally coal black.“, „Translation: The main force in man — is the power of the spirit.“, „Orbiting Earth in the spaceship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. Юрий Алексеевич Гагарин; Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, Юрий Гагарин: Один полет и вся жизнь. In a few minutes a mighty spaceship will carry me into the far-away expanses of space. 0 0 Juri Alexejewitsch Gagarin. Just like the paintings of the artist Nicholas Roerich.“, „If all those people are getting wet to welcome me, surely the least I can do is get wet too!“, „When they saw me in my space suit and the parachute dragging alongside as I walked, they started to back away in fear. From the start to the very landing, I had no doubt about the successful outcome of the space flight. Полная биография первого космонавта планеты Земля, "Yuri Gagarin: Mankind's first giant leap" in, Космос. März 1934Todesdatum: 27. Zugeschrieben "Ich war im Himmel und habe mich genau umgesehen. What an indescribable gamut of colors!


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