However, Eris, the goddess of discord, was not invited so that she could not ruin the wedding. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Being defeated, she had to accept the marriage with Peleus. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. wedding of Thetis and Peleus led to the Judgement of Paris, who chose goddess Aphrodite (after she had promised to give him Helen, the most beautiful woman on Earth) and thus caused the Trojan war. But an oracle (or Prometheus) told them that the son born from the goddess Thetis will be stronger than his father. Als Gemahl der Thetis war er Vater des Achilleus, der oft Pel(e)ide(s), Peleiade oder Peleione („Peleussohn“) genannt wurde. When Peleus tied her, she turned into fire, water, wind, a tree, a bird, a tiger, a lioness and a serpent. So she decided to get revenge, by throwing among the guests a golden apple, with the words "to the fairest". She took a golden apple and carved upon it the words ‘To The Fairest’, and rolled it into the party where it came to rest among the gods. Another story, though, narrates that Zeus and Poseidon were both in love with her. Click here to read the rest of the story, about Thetis and Peleus' son Achilles and how his mother tried to protect him. That's why, when Hephaistos was thrown out of Olympus, Thetis took care of him, on the island of Lemnos. Zeus didn't have the courage to get involved into this dispute, so he sent them to Paris, a prince who at that time was a cattle keeper. So, as you can see, Thetis and Peleus were famous for their "wedding of the century" or "wedding of the millenium", because all the gods took part (except Eris, of course), and Peleus had the occasion to hear the muses sing. Thetis was a sea nymph of renowned beauty and Zeus thus desired her; however, he is wary of the prophecy that states any son born to Thetis would be more powerful that he. Thetis was a Nereid, one of the daughters of Nereus and Doris, while Peleus was a mortal, son of king Aeacus and of Endeis. What is Solo Build It and how can it help you? Click here to see pictures of the nereid Thetis. That's why, when Hephaistos was thrown out of Olympus, Thetis took care of him, on the island of Lemnos. This myth was already known to the hearers of Homer in the late 8th century BC. Thetis was raised by Hera and she was very grateful to the Zeus's wife. Upon reading the carved inscription, the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena each insisted that they deserved the apple for themselves, since they each believed that they alone were the fairest. This angered Eris, and so she decided to disrupt the happy day as payback for this offense. But all in all it didn't end well, because of the chain of events which started at the wedding. Change ). Paris observed the three goddesses’ beauty by watching them as they bathed naked in the spring on Mount Ida, but each goddess offered him a bribe to choose her as the winner. Thetis was a Nereid, one of the daughters of Nereus and Doris, while Peleus was a mortal, son of king Aeacus and of Endeis. They decided to ask Zeus to settle the dispute and choose a winner. So they decided to marry Thetis to a mortal, Peleus (who wooed her in a very untraditional way, so I guess the marriage was meant as a punishment for her). Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Thetis and Peleus were a famous couple (for several reasons) in Greek mythology. Therefore, he selected the human Peleus to be a husband for Thetis, since he felt sure that Peleus being a mortal would produce a mortal son, and as such would not match Zeus’ power. But Peleus held her tight and finally she turned again into a goddess and a woman. google_ad_client="pub-2492513543072073";google_alternate_color="FFFFFF";google_ad_width=468;google_ad_height=60;google_ad_format="468x60_as";google_ad_type="text_image";google_ad_channel="";google_color_border="993366";google_color_bg="FFFFFF";google_color_link="FF0066";google_color_url="993366";google_color_text="000000"; Zeus didn't want a son who might become the ruler of all gods, and of course neither did Poseidon want a son stronger than him. Click here to find out more. Athena offered him the gift of wisdom and skill in war. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The wedding of Thetis and Peleus took part on Mount Pelion. Zeus arranged their wedding, inviting the major gods of Olympus to the wedding ceremony. ( Log Out /  Hera, Athena and Aphrodite decided, each one, that the apple was meant for her. However, Zeus felt unwilling to favour any goddess lest he anger another, so he decided to select a mortal judge that he felt was fair and just – Paris, prince of Troy. They have received many gifts, among them there were the two immortal horses, Balius and Xanthus, which were later to be their son Achilles' horses. Powered by Solo Build It. All the gods were invited at the wedding... all, except Eris, the goddess of discord. Therefore, Aphrodite awarded him the love of Helen of Sparta. Click here to see pictures of the nereid Thetis. Thetis and Peleus were a famous couple (for several reasons) in Greek mythology. Thetis was a sea nymph of renowned beauty and Zeus thus desired her; however, he is wary of the prophecy that states any son born to Thetis would be more powerful that he. The wise centaur Cheiron advised Peleus to catch her by surprise, when she was asleep, and to also take a rope and tie her tightly. ( Log Out /  And this is how the. In Greek mythology, Peleus was a hero, king of Phthia, husband of Thetis and the father of their son Achilles. Therefore, he selected the human Peleus to be a husband for Thetis, since he felt sure that Peleus being a mortal would produce a mortal son, and as such would not match Zeus’ power. ( Log Out /  Paris was most taken with Aphrodite’s bribe and chose her as the winner. Thetis gave birth to a son with Peleus – this was the hero Achilleus. Hera offered to make him King of the known world. Click here to read the rest of the story, about Thetis and Peleus' son Achilles and how his mother tried to protect him. Being a marine divinity, Thetis was a shape-shifter. Peleus (altgriechisch Πηλεύς, etruskisch Pele) ist in der griechischen Mythologie König der Myrmidonen von Phthia in Thessalien, der Sohn des Aiakos (daher auch der Aiakide genannt) und der Endeis (Tochter des Cheiron oder des Skiron ). Aphrodite offered him the love of the world’s most beautiful woman. Also, when Zeus wanted to make her his lover, Thetis refused, because she wouldn't want to be unfair to Hera. ( Log Out /  Thetis was raised by Hera and she was very grateful to the Zeus's wife.


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