Dine Out lets you own and operate restaurants, but when you start the game there aren't any restaurants in the neighborhoods. The two of there are now married and parents to four children, Tamara, Jackson, Alyssa and Ava. Dina appears in Oasis Springs and lives with her sister Nina, her mother Katrina, and Don Lothario. The sisters are of Arab descent from their mother's side and Spanish descent on their father's side. The family bio implies that Don and her mother are romantically involved, however this is not actually the case in game. The Sims 4 Dine Out Game Pack Getting Started with Restaurants You can place pre-built restaurants from The Sims Studio or the Gallery or make your own from scratch. Hot-headed is also off the mark, as the original Dina had moderately nice personality points, and thus would usually respond positively to social interactions. Dina is the daughter of founder of the Caliente family, Katarina and moves to Oasis Springs at the beginning of the legacy, along with her boyfriend, Don Lothario and twin sister, Nina Caliente. Dina starts the game wanting to get engaged to Mortimer Goth. Dina appears in the downloadable neighborhood, Barnacle Bay, along with Nina. Life leading up to The Sims 4 [edit | edit source] Dina appears in Oasis Springs and lives with her sister Nina, her mother Katrina, and Don Lothario. She likes playing in the bathtub and does so frequently. This can also be proven in her own bio. She also has the commitment issues trait, which contradicts with her wish to get married and her positive memory of marriage to Michael. A Sim with this personality would normally be a Libra. The Sims 2: All in One LP She is presented as a heartbreaker, which is odd considering she was a fortune Sim in The Sims 2. Despite this, opening the career tab will show she is unemployed. Dina is presumably the younger twin, as both their memories show that Nina always grew up first. She is friends with her mother and sister, and acquaintances with Don. Though currently single and on the prowl, Dina is the widow of Michael Bachelor; brother to the missing Bella Goth. The Sims 2 Sisters are back! The Sims 4 LP . Dina appears in Oasis Springs and lives with her sister Nina, her mother Katrina, and Don Lothario. Like her sister, she has one major personality difference from the original timeline: this version of Dina is active, whereas her original version was very lazy. Dina Caliente (previously Bachelor) is a pre-made playable Sim in The Sims 2, The Sims 2 for consoles, and appears as a young adult in The Sims 3 and The Sims 4. Dina is the daughter of Flamenco Caliente and Nighat Caliente (née Al Mahmoud), now deceased. Another notable relationship is that she and Brandi Broke are just short from becoming friends. She is a young adult, 24 days away from becoming an adult. Her urn is still present in the middle of the Gym to this very day, Joel has forgotten who had even killed her. This might be a take-off on her original bio, where she's stated to have a liking for chocolate. She likes chocolate and dreams of making it big. Dina and her sister Nina gained a measure of popularity with their 2004 Hand Tool Calendar, "Wrenches of Summer". Pleasantview, Strangetown, and Melbourne Sims, Sims with the Master Mixologist aspiration, https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Dina_Caliente?oldid=923186. However, she does not have the memory of marrying a rich Sim, and she has a memory of falling in love with him. If The Sims 3 Late Night is installed, she and her sister will be 4 star celebrities. When Dina found out she left Oasis Springs, and with the help of her best friend, Summer Holiday, found a new house to live in Windenburg where she met and fell in love with Paolo Rocca. The Caliente family, made up of Nina, Dina, and Katrina Caliente, is one family in The Sims 4 that has been in multiple games. They are also part alien in their paternal lineage: their grandfather, Nestor Caliente, gave birth to their father after being abducted and impregnated by Pollination Technician 7. Her sister Nina is like this as well. She is a young adult, 24 days away from becoming an adult. If Dina adopts a child, Michael will appear on the family tree as the father, though the child will have Dina's last name. She does, however, share her romantic inclinations and (as of The Sims 3) her job in the culinary career. Her sister was jealous of her perfect life and decided to destroy her relationship, sleeping with Don. I'm so grateful to be a part of this community and for meeting all of you amazing people. Their mother died when the twins were children, and their father Flamenco died when the twins were adults. She's cute though. Despite being one quarter alien, Dina and her sister lack any genetics for the alien skin tone. STM StrangeTown Monty 9,850 views It is often said that Dina has a mind of her own, but she is quick to disagree. It is not known if Dina took Michael's surname and went back to Caliente after he died, or if she kept the Caliente surname all along (neither of which are possible without the use of hacks or a third-party program such as SimPE.). It should also be noted that she has the exact same traits as Don Lothario, another character from The Sims 2. She has two skill points each in the fitness and mixology skills. Hey I’m Gemma and welcome to my Sims blog. They are the same men as her sister and roommates are involved with, which causes some tension in the household. The bio carries the further implication that Don will eventually become involved with Dina and Nina as well, as in other games. She is also very ill-mannered and romantic, but has a good relationship with her sister Nina. Looking after them is hard but being ambitious she still manages to raise the children and manage a bar in town. She is a young adult, 24 days away from becoming an adult. As in the PC version of The Sims 2, she has long blond hair, but while she has the Fortune aspiration in the PC version, she has the Romance aspiration in the console version. An interesting glitch is that she has a positive memory for Nina Caliente growing up badly, even though this isn't possible without hacks, although this could be a mistake by developers. The Sims 4 Sleek Slumber is a new bedroom collection of 50 items packed with sleek objects and a comfy bed that will accomodate all of your needs! She has the same personality as Herb Oldie. Dina is the daughter of founder of the Caliente family, Katarina and moves to Oasis Springs at the beginning of the legacy, along with her boyfriend, Don Lothario and twin sister, Nina Caliente.
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