When Jacob Black tells (Edward thinking that he is Carlisle) that Charlie is at "the funeral," Edward assuming that Jacob is referring to Bella's funeral, when in reality, he was referring to Harry Clearwater's funeral, goes to Italy to provoke the Volturi. He also frequently visited her with objects hidden in his hands to test her powers, and shielded her from other horrifying treatments as best as he was able. In 1950, they joined the Cullens' coven and got married a short time after. Everyone keeps the location of the honeymoon location a secret from Bella and Alice packs her bags. Others include Esme and Bella. When Irina mistakes Renesmee for an immortal child and goes to the Volturi, Alice sees a vision of them coming, she leaves the family and departs with Jasper to find more of Renesmee's kind. Alice's mother tended to their home because her father traveled often. By 1950, they found Carlisle with assistance from her visions and have been part of his coven ever since. Not much is known about their relationship, but what is known is that they love each other very much as siblings. Alice is described as being a very fashionable person. Alice then rushed to the town's marshal, but her father was already one step ahead of her. They are the ones who dress and take thousands pictures of Renesmee as she quickly develops to make a baby album. She met him in a diner in Philadelphia. During their companionship and travels, Alice and Jasper fell in love. When Bella and Alice started becoming closer, Edward and Alice also started to get closer. Aside from Jasper and Edward, Alice is closest to Bella, though she tends to annoy her with her sense of fashion, spirit, and love for celebrations and gifts. The old vampire turned Alice into a vampire to save her. Alice was prone to having premonitions of the future since she was a child, though they weren't always correct. Emmett Cullen is Alice's adoptive brother. Meaning the future can always change and the person can always change their minds. In 1920, after having been institutionalized by her family, an unknown vampire turned her to save her from the relentless tracker, James. You can also see Alice's relationship grow with Edward and Bella throughout the book, Alice is one of Bella's best friends and is also very close with Edward. While the Cullen's are gone, Alice decides to investigate her family's history. Rosalie Hale, soon tells calls Edward on the phone (because he currently was not living with them) why Alice has went to Bella. Edward shares the closest bond to Alice as siblings, as she has an understanding attitude, although Edward sometimes finds her annoying. Renesmee Cullen is Alice's adoptive niece, the biological daughter of Bella and Edward. She was born in 1901 in Biloxi, Missisippi.She does not remember much about her life before becoming a vampire. She is the shortest of the Cullen's at 4'10. After Bella has been turned into a vampire, Alice presents her with a birthday gift-even though Bella was still eighteen during the change- a cottage from all the Cullen's. She respects Carlisle's compassion and ties to the family, loving him as a father. She had seen a vision and knew that it was a distinct possibility. I see vampires best, because I am one; I see humans okay, because I was one. Alice and Jasper take Bella to Phoenix where they go into hiding to get away from James. Alice's adoptive father: Carlisle Cullen. She already considered Bella as a sister before Bella married Edward. Initially, Alice, along with the rest of the Cullen Family, was hostile to Cody and the rest of the Tate Pack when they came into the Cullen house, thinking they were there to kill them. When she first left with Jasper during the family crisis, he is the first one to profess his respect of her wishes. Alice started using the surname 'Cullen', while Jasper adapted to the surname 'Hale' to ease some of the confusion and gossip they cause to the humans around them. In Twilight, James tells Bella about the only other human who ever escaped him. Jacob Black is the Alpha of the Black pack that protects Forks and a close friend to the family. While searching for Nahuel, she keeps track of Bella's decisions in case she wanted to give her clues.


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